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How to Choose a URL

Posted on 18th May 2013 @ 9:28 AM

                                                                                   How to Choose a URL

Domain name and its correct choice is the first step to the success of your website. Domain should be very carefully selected and is part of your business or the company and is its identity on the Internet.

What domain name to choose? Need to clarify what is the purpose of the domain itself. Before you choose and register a domain clarify the following: the mission of the site, the type and purpose of the web site and its future Internet visitors.

Here are the basic rules when choosing a domain

1. Length of the domain name - In order to facilitate writing and memorizing a very good domain name can not be longer 20 characters. Not so important domain name to sound loud and be as simple and easy to remember.

2. Connectivity domain of website content - When choosing a domain name it strive to be related to the actual content of the web site. If your site is about cars is better to choose a domain name that contains the word auto, auto.

3. Avoid using hyphens and numbers in a domain where possible - use a hyphen (-) or numbers in its domain aggravated discharge or risk not understand you when you try to explain exactly what was the name of your website.

4. If its potential is register a domain. COM or. NET - a domain. COM is the most common and has a great reputation, as it is the oldest domain extension is remembered much more easily than others.
.Usually when choosing a domain name for the company's web site is chosen company name or trademark. This is the right long-term option. Here are some examples: Company Ebony with domain name abanos-bg.com or Parallel with domain parallel.bg. In both examples have catchy company names and domain names, which is a prerequisite to avoid errors on the part of Internet users. And now I'll give you examples of names of organizations and domains, which are not recommended for use.

2. If your business name is long and difficult to remember, you might prefer a domain name that is directed as to the products they offer.

3. In the end keep in mind that the domain name is intended to facilitate the opening of your business website in the search engines and its easy remembering of your current and future customers.