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How to Use HTML to Improve SEO

Posted on 11th May 2013 @ 11:10 PM

                                                                                   How to Use HTML to Improve SEO

Since bots see web pages as HTML code instead of the way we see them through a web browser, a good SEO Optimization should have strong knowledge of the structure of a typical HTML document.

In this and the next few articles, I will try to give you a closer look at some of the key elements of an HTML document (HTML attributes) that are most important for search engine optimization.

First and foremost - must make sure that your HTML documents are not in accordance with standard XHTML (XHTML validated). XHTML is the strict HTML (hypertext markup language) standard. Following this strict standard, you ensure that your web pages (and your site in general) are easily understood by search engines. You can learn more about the XHTML standard from the official website of the World Wide Web Consortium: http://www.w3.org/

An HTML document is subject to the standards of the consortium consists of two main sections: HEAD (head) and BODY (body). To illustrate this clearly, let us open source code (source code) of any HTML document on the Internet. A good example is the site http://www.w3.org. Load the home page in your browser, click the right mouse button and select "view page source" or "view source" (depending on the type of browser).

HEAD-section is all that lies between <head> and </ head> tags. The content of this section is not visible when you view the page in a web browser. As you can see, one of the elements contained between <head> and </ head> tag is header tag (surrounded by <title> and </ title>). TITLE tag is visible and directly through the browser. It is located in the top blue bar of your browser:

The title also represents the web page in search results pages (SERP). We can even say that it is a very important attribute of your page.

HEAD section also includes 2 META tag. These are the META keywords (META keywords tag) and description META (META description tag):

<meta name="keywords" content="…">
<meta name="description" content="…">

Once the tag is closed <head> opens <body> tag. All that is located in the BODY tag is visible on the website when you view it in a browser.

In the BODY text example of site w3c.org, see also <h1> and <h2> tags. These are called. HTML headings (header tags) and they are 6 in number. The first is <h1>, and the last - <h6>. Initially, their plan was to them to mark different levels of importance in the text. H1 is the most important header tag and H6 - the least significant. Usually browsers display these tags from the largest to the smallest. H1 tag is as large print, and H6 - with the fine. Search engines treat H1-H6 tags in a similar way, according to their importance.