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Let us help you become famous!


Term of Services

We guarantee to deliver services according to the description of the product. Since YouTube and Myspace have their strange ways of updating statistics, your results may vary and be delayed.There is no refund if your YouTube video or channel and Myspace channel are removed or suspended during our services. Under no circumstance will MoreViews be held liable for actions taken by YouTube or Myspace against your account. This includes actions such as deleted accounts, disabled accounts, suspended accounts, suspended features, deleted music, disabled features and/or any other action that may be taken by YouTube or Myspace that effect your use of their services. In all circumstances, the limit of liability shall be the amount of your purchase payment. If you are not satisfied with our service for any reason,please contact us immediately.

If we don't deliver any of the services in 60 days, you will receive an automatic refund from our sales department. The delivery time of each item is only an estimated time and not the exact time. Delivery time can vary due to the amount of orders we receive.

Flagged video's are different on YouTube. Video's that have been pointed out as flagged by the YouTube editors, often contain sexual or offensive material. More Views can not guarantee a full product when you choose to upload content that is flagged by the YouTube editors. This may sound unfair, but promoting a video like that is incredibly hard, since people tend to report it much faster. We do NOT offer a money back policy when your video gets flagged. This is not subject to discussion.

You agree that by using More Views, you have read and understood our terms of use and agree to be bound by these terms of use.